Spring 2018 Intern Spotlight-Addie

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock welcomes 4 university students to intern at our office for the 2018 spring semester. In this series, we’ll introduce you to the talented students that are helping, learning and gaining experience at our office this semester.

Meet Addie

Where are you originally from, what is your major and what year are you?

  • I am originally from Prosper, Texas, a smaller town north of Dallas. I am a senior Human Development and Family Studies major, and I graduate in May!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • When I grow up, I want to be a teacher or a Child Life Specialist. Although I haven’t quite decided yet, I do know that I want to work with children and help others as much as I can.

What is a typical day as an intern at BBBS?

  • A typical day as a BBBS intern includes: sitting in on interviews, documenting, writing assessments, and spending time with an amazing and uplifting staff!

How did you hear about this internship opportunity and what steps did you take to get here?

  • My roommate told me about BBBS last year, and once it was time to sign up for our community internship, I decided that this would be a great place for me to serve. I love that I get to work with incredible adults with experience related to my field, while also serving and helping children.

Why did you choose to intern at BBBS Lubbock?

  • I chose to intern at BBBS Lubbock because it’s an incredible organization that values service and creating a better life for others. During my interview, I felt overwhelmingly comfortable, as if it were exactly where I was meant to be. I have loved interning with BBBS, and I am excited to see it grow and thrive this semester.

What are you hoping to learn while interning at BBBS?

  • I am hoping to gain more knowledge and experience related to Human Science through working with very smart and passionate individuals. I love learning about child development, and I think this experience will give me a new insight on working with children and their families.

What was/is your favorite class in college?

  • My favorite class in college was my technical writing class with Dr. Bennett. I acquired writing skills that will help greatly in my future career, and Dr. Bennett was one of the greatest professors I have ever had.

What activities are you involved with at school?

  • I am a member of Delta Gamma, and have held two positions since I joined. I have loved being a member of a Sorority because it keeps me involved, and gives me the opportunity to connect with others who are similar to me.

Do you have a special talent?

  • I absolutely LOVE to sing, however, I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m talented.

What is your current favorite TV show?

  • Currently, my favorite TV show is This Is Us. I’m slightly obsessed.

What was the last movie you watched?

  • The last movie I watched was Moana, and it is one of my favorites.

Drink of choice?

  • Diet Coke

Favorite quote or expression?

  • “Don’t worry about things you cannot control.”

Someday I will: visit all 50 states.

Slightly addicted to: Netflix, traveling, and concerts/music festivals.

Dislikes: waking up early

Favorite Place: Santa Fe, NM or Colorado Springs, CO

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • My dream is to travel to Finland or Norway and see the Northern Lights.

Favorite TV show to binge watch?

  • My favorite TV show to binge watch would either have to be New Girl, or The Office.

Team IPhone or Team Android?

  • Team iPhone always.

Finish this sentence: I never head to the office without… my coffee and my water.